

Date: 2024-01-10 17:31:02
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Knowledge & Action Academy

Time doesn't stand still, seasons flow. We've waved goodbye to 2023 as the New Year's sun rises in the east, bringing in the fresh start of 2024. With the turn of the year, people often reflect and envision, aiming to conclude the year with retrospection and anticipation. On December 30th, bathed in the rare warmth of winter sun, the annual recap and the first sharing session of the Googol Enjoying Reading and Philosophy Club in the new base, the Knowledge & Action Academy's fourth floor, took over the relay baton from 2023. As the new academy transitions from the first floor of the old base to the fourth floor of the new base, we believe our collective learning journey is set to reach greater heights. 


Guided by Mr.Qinglong Meng , rotating host of Googol Academy, let's revisit the 28th session together.


Time moves silently, readers abound, books resonate. This collective reading session, led by club secretaries Mr.Jianbiao Zhong and Youjin Wang , delved into the discussions on governmental relationships and the essence of filial piety as described in the 'Googol Community Handbook 3.0.' Reading, comprehending, allowing our company culture to seep into every Googol member's heart, becoming a vital pillar for sustained success.


Topic Shared by Mr.Zhaoxin He

The year's end marks an important juncture, timely and proper handling of accounts receivable is crucial for the company's development. It pertains to cash flow, capital utilization, and directly impacts business decisions. The role of a sales manager simplifies down to selling products and retrieving payments. This involves conveying product information to customers, solving their queries, ensuring production and delivery, assuring customers' seamless usage. Simultaneously, promptly following up on payments post-product delivery builds trust and understanding. 

Devotedly serving customers means providing high-quality products and services, not finding excuses to delay payments. Payment recovery reflects our accountability to the company, a vital foundation ensuring its continuous healthy operations and better service to customers. Marx's concept of the commodity's 'leap into the unknown' lies in selling products, realizing their value. Our sales value lies in ensuring this leap happens flawlessly.


Topic shared by Mr.Dichang Liu

In response to global warming, China proposed the 'Dual Carbon' strategy in 2020, aiming to peak carbon emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. This consensus on carbon neutrality is humanity's greatest agreement for sustainable development and long-term survival.

In China's energy transition and development process, moving towards clean, low-carbon is an inevitable trend. As a manufacturer focused on internal combustion engine development, how do we contribute to the Dual Carbon goal? Carbon emissions aren't inherent to internal combustion engines but stem from the use of fossil fuels. Switching to zero-carbon fuels like hydrogen or ammonia would nullify emissions. Googol is striving to improve diesel engines, reduce fuel consumption, enhance thermal efficiency, and lower carbon emissions. Simultaneously, we're monitoring low-carbon technology developments, dissecting key technical issues, and at the right time, pushing forward with engines using ammonia-hydrogen fuels, aiming for low-to-zero carbon engines.


Topic Shared by Mr.Xiheng Xia

Before joining Googol, I served in the ground support of a North China Air Force unit, where the J-10 fighter jet, unique among third-generation planes, never crashed during its test flights. Our new P/Q series diesel high-power engines share similarities with this. Googol has undergone a developmental journey from import to independent research. In 2003, we decided to independently research engines, a daunting and lengthy task requiring extensive time, manpower, and resources. In 2003, we formed a research team, attracted top talents from the industry, and collaborated with domestic and international partners. Through continuous innovation and trial and error, we gradually overcame technical hurdles, ultimately achieving independent design and manufacturing of Googol's new engine series. Our products gained customer recognition and praise, injecting new vitality into the company's development.


Topic Shared by Miss.Fangdi Chen

Tara Westover is an American biographer and historian. Her debut, 'Educated,' garnered national awards upon release. Through her thrilling experiences, Tara conveys the essence of striving for cognitive change and self-awakening. Only when you see your mountain can you fly towards it like a bird. Over a decade, Tara seemingly underwent earth-shattering changes. Her educational journey shone, her appearance altered, yet she remained herself, both the former vulnerable and the current independent, resilient; both are her truest self. From confusion to clarity, I've realized that life's essence isn't found elsewhere but in the daily struggles. Life's circumstances vary, many beautiful things aren't within reach but require effort, persistence, time's nurturing, and refining to become precious and vivid. It's a blessing to have someone's support and understanding, yet the life one desires is one only they can provide. Each job we undertake is a path toward happiness in the world.


Topic Shared by Mr.Tao Luo

Throughout the year, two concepts stood out from my learning: circular thinking and learning gratitude. Circular thinking taught me that action begins by understanding the benefits and necessity of completing a task. After understanding circular thinking, the challenge becomes turning this knowledge into action. Effective communication within our team, especially during machine turnover, enhances work synergy and prevents unnecessary mishaps. Learning gratitude is a lifelong practice. As a son, I increasingly value my mother's spiritual world. Gratitude fosters an appreciation for time's depth and beauty, aging us bit by bit but also maturing us.


Topic Shared by Mr.Hua Li

'Patton' is a historical film produced by 20th Century Fox in 1970. In the first six minutes of the movie, the director vividly depicts General Patton's character. He was a legendary figure, using strict military discipline to convey the soldier's mission. Upon assuming command, Patton immediately reorganized military discipline, demanded uniformity among officers and soldiers, and established rigorous training plans. After this swift overhaul, Patton's troops shed their despondency and fear of war, becoming a disciplined, high-spirited, and valiant army. Chairman Wen Guosheng once said: for a soldier, dying in battle is the most glorious moment of life, and Patton is undoubtedly a role model for every soldier. Death in battle needs no shroud; green hills are everywhere in this world!

If we were a disorganized army, we would inevitably be defeated by our competitors. If we stand united, we will prevail. 2023 wasn't in vain; 2024, success will adorn us.


Topic Shared by President Mr.Yuwang Li

'Mind follows circumstance' signifies that an individual's inner world is greatly influenced by their surroundings. Positivity radiates like the sun, wherever it shines, spreading its positivity to those around. Conversely, negativity is like the moon, inconsistent and unpredictable. Thus, regulating one's emotions becomes vital. To progress in career and life, stepping out of comfort zones is necessary. While everyone contributes and works hard, the destination is unknown.

'Environment follows the mind' means that with a firm inner resolve, external surroundings can't easily shake you. This is why the truly 'great' hermits remain resolute internally, impervious to external disturbances. In adversity, we can confront and resolve issues with a calm mind. Different attitudes lead to different outcomes. Birth and circumstances may be beyond our control, yet believing in hardship's glory, the starting point as the peak, and departure leading to arrival is crucial. Let's walk hand in hand towards progress and betterment in 2024 with our partners and families, building a better version of ourselves and witnessing a better life together!


Topic Shared by Mrs.Zhengfei Wang

I'll provide a brief overview of the enterprise's collective learning in 2023. We studied two new classic philosophy courses, revisited four courses, held 13 collective recap meetings, rotated hosting duties 13 times, conducted 82 theme shares, hosted one inter-enterprise collective learning social, involving 144 participants, and received 49 submissions for 'Zhuangzi' study reflections. Compared to 2022, all data showed steady improvement.





In 2023, numerous advanced collectives and individuals emerged in the enterprise's collective learning. Some actively participated in sharing throughout the year, some fostered a strong learning atmosphere collectively, others led their families to study, becoming pivotal forces in building a learning-oriented enterprise. Therefore, at the end of the year, they deserve commendation.

We recognize four partners, Cheng Mingkai, Zou Hongwei, Qian Shen, and Meng Qinglong, with the 2023 Outstanding Host Award for the Googol Enjoying Reading Club. We commend Zhang Longyu, Tang Dayuan, Wang Youjin, Zeng Gangzhu, He Jianlong, Chen Yi, Zhang Jun, Luo Tao, Shao Jiang, and Xing Li, ten partners, with the 2023 Outstanding Individual Contribution Award for the Googol Enjoying Reading Club. We award Shao Jiang and Li Peng, two partners, with the 'Bookish Home' award. We honor the Production Department, Material Department, Technology Department, and Marketing Department with the 2023 Outstanding Department Contribution Award for the Googol Enjoying Reading Club.


Group Photo With Colleagues On-Line

Recognition affirms past efforts and encourages for the new year. We hope everyone leads the way in the new year, leading all readers towards progress.

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